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It is kind of funny, thinking about the money that could be made from this and it not even being the full game. If all 1 million people who preordered do end up buying the game (likely but not necessarily guaranteed, money problems could come up) and Sony gets $20 per sale (half retail) that $20 million alone would cover a huge amount of the cost of the game. Add in sales from Japan (220,000 not counting online sells) and America is a lot of money. If only 500,000 copies sold in America, add in the 220,000 from Japan, there is 720,000 copies and about $14.4 million more plus people who didn't preorder in Europe buying the game, plus people who bought it online where Sony gets the whole cut and a very large percentage of development costs for GT5 is covered and the game itself which sells around 10 million it will be a huge money maker for Sony.