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Gran Turismo 5 Prologue: The “Mixtape”

+ Posted by Chris Hinojosa-Miranda // Associate Producer, SCEA

Once upon a time out in some dive club out in the middle of nowhere, Jim Morrison took to the stage and belted out thirteen simple words of unrestrained wisdom: “keep your eyes on the road; keep your hands up on the wheel.”

From that point on, Roadhouse Blues secured its place in the “driving song” library, making its way into an unimaginable number of rare mixtapes and soundtracks.

With Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, we wanted to bring back the idea of the rare mixtape, a collection of songs that you’d be proud to own and play (and play and play and play) over and over again, a collection of classics.

So in went our resident music scout, Alex Hackford, deep into the crates looking for a dozen tracks that both compliment and enhance the Gran Turismo experience, and here’s our list:

  • Weezer – “Automatic” (LA Riots remix)
  • Mars Volta – “Goliath” (EL-P remix)
  • Justice – “Let There Be Light”
  • SebastiAn – “Dolami”
  • Kavinsky – “Testarossa Autodrive” (SebastiAn remix)
  • DJ Shadow – “LOVE LOVE”
  • Does it Offend You, Yeah? – “With a Heavy Heart (I Regret to Inform You)”
  • The Earaches – “Not the Kind of Man I Am”
  • Thin Lizzy – “The Rocker” (Richard Evans Mix)
  • The Klaxons – “Golden Skans”
  • Friendly Fires – “On Board”
  • Pride Tiger – “Let ‘Em Go”

Weezer’s “Automatic” is actually a unique remix composed by LA Riots exclusively for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue’s opening sequence.


So in a nutshell dear North America (as in these tracks are exclusive just for you), this is our mix-tape, a little something-something to enjoy as you corkscrew down the Eiger, barrel through the Daytona oval, drift through Suzuka Short or any other track of your choice.


Beyond this apex, you can also find all the original Japanese music as well as all the choice items from our European counterparts. So that’s about it for the music end, and outside of that, you can always flag me (or Taku or Alex) down and ask to see our iPods.

