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oniyide said:
wilco said:
Problem with Microsoft is they never really committed to the future they were preaching about. If they really believed in all digital they would have gone disk-less and if they really believed in kinect it would have been built into the actual game system. Nobody will be convinced if you half ass it.

with the backlash they got from the xone reveal, its a a good thing they didnt commit

The backlash was mostly a response to the anti consumer crap they were trying to pull and not the vision of an all digital future. Microsoft could have gone all digital but they weren't ready to fully commit, thats where all the anti-consumer treating customers like criminals crap came from. None of that 24 hour check in used game killing stuff would have been necessary if Microsoft just fully committed to all digital. They wanted to keep one foot in the old ways and that led to the messy, convoluted and confusinng nonsense that was the xbox one unveiling.

Building kinect into the game system could have also work if they committed to motion controls whole heartedly. They should have launched with just as many kinect games as traditional controller games, they should've also spent more money making it work properly. If Microsoft truly believed that kinect was compelling then they should have showed that by supporting it as though it truly was a vital part of the system. They didn't, they treated it like a tacked on peripheral and that is the way it was perceived.