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Season 2 is good all in a row, so you're set with Netflix. In a per-episode basis, not a lot happens that season, but as a whole I really like it and it has VERY defining moments for the show.

Season 3 became more action-based after complaints from people about the farm, but I don't think it flowed as well as Season 2. A lot of people say it's the worst season, but I disagree strongly. Not the best season, but it has LOTS of cool things to watch with a decent story to boot.

Season 4 is just amazing. The only people I've heard complaining either didn't pay enough attention or was only watching for Rick. Tons of balance with action and character development. Must watch.


ALSO, the comics are awesome, and PLAY THE TELLTALE GAME! If you love the concept but the characters don't jive (or if they do!) DEFINITELY play the game, even though it's more an interactive movie it's still one of the best PC games I've played...