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Shadow1980 - In response to your last comment.

There are many factors that determine the success of a console. PS2 and Wii were launched in a good economic environment. PS4,Wii U and XO not.
Consoles are not essential services to the population, except for hardcore gamers (who are not the majority).
I never said that sales of the PS4 were bad. As I said they are below the performance of the Wii, the Wii was out of stock until mid 2008, this happened in times of good economy. Wil The PS4 get repeat the same feat? Only time will tell. And it is unfair to compare the sales of the PS4 with the PS2 because: there are more sonyfans who buy a PS4 today than existed 14 years ago (PS2 lauched).
Another factor, is the PS4 Profitable for Sony (hardware)? Wii U has horrible sales, but Nintendo has made some Profits From the WiiU (or they do not lose money). Not a good strategy to sell hardware a lot, with many losses. PS4 sales are good, but not extraordinary. PS4 sales are extraordinary, if Sony repeats the same effect of Nintendo did with the Wii. Sell-​​out of stock for months. Being profitable since day 1 (which PS4 is not). By the way, Sony's gaming division has lost more than 50 million during the last quarter.