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Few things:

Watch_Dogs should easily do 6.8 million or whatever Ubisoft were asking for. It's still got the general hype for it, and I think it will review well. Should have some good legs and will at least mix up the market a bit. Should benefit Sony much more than MS.

200k for Sony this month is perfectly ok, considering nothing of note released at all. Let's be fair here, MS faired much much worse.

Destiny: Not surprised by it having more pre-orders nearly than Titanfall at this point. The game seems like it has way more depth and content than a over hyped and under content provided Titanfall. Wonder how much the press are going to push it, i suspect just as much in terms of content but not as much in Hype. Destiny will push Sony hardware.

Kinect Sports: Not really being mentioned much, but a massive flop... now time to get Rare to work on proper games now.

Sunset Overdrive: Will not sell that great imho and wont push much hardware, the game play they have shown so far has been good in terms of graphics (though very limited in terms of variety), but very poor in terms of content and overall gameplay (looked quite tedious). 

In terms of May. I expect with MLB and Watch_Dogs, the PS4 should do over 250k no problem. Which is a significant increase on 200k for April. I expect maybe 125k or lower for XBO. It's difficult to know if the general public will know about the kinect disaster and buy because of Watch_dogs which will increase it.... but I expect more pain for MS.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!