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Well, that was pretty much 0 information nobody would have already guessed. And as huge Halo fan it's a really hard to wait so long so that they really have to release Halo 2 Anniversary this year which would easily be enough to play for a year. Could put some hundred hours in it then But this has to happen 100%.

I also think that all these reveals the few weeks are to work against the really bad sales compared to PS4. They can't lose more and more ground or they will never get back on track (compared to PS4) which will obviously be a huge problem if one console has a huge advantage. Third party developers will look very closely at the sales of Xbox One vs. PS4 and also at the sales of their games which will be much better on PS4 then. Pretty much every game will use PS4 as lead platform and many smaller games won't even release on Xbox One if PS4 has such a huge advantage and if PS4 sells almost twice as much even in USA, the rest of the world has to be horrible for Microsoft.