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Her 8/10.

Good movie, although it paints a horrible vision of the future, all voice and motion controls, yuck! The holographic version of illumiroom was kinda cool, yet doing the doggie paddle to move forward on rails, no thanks. That's just a small part of the movie. AI and relationships and how both grow and chance are taken under the loop. Ofcourse the first thing I thought when OS1 was introduced, how is his job not obsolete.

The movie itself looks convincing enough for the near future, like Gattaca yet 2013 style. It's a bit minimalistic at points, long close ups, sequences with little sound, or even a black screen with voice only. It fits the story and ideas. Apart from the few holo game sequences and scenes of Shanghai it's first most a cerebral movie. You probably wouldn't miss much if you 'watch' it with your eyes closed.

The extras further delved into what relationships are. Kind of a depressing point of view in there: All relationships end, some last until death and then you get to watch your most favorite person die. Thanks for that thought lol. I learned about Tinder, didn't know such a service was already up and running.