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ps4tw said:
Kasz216 said:

It's pretty simple, you just don't have a coherent arguement, so there is no point even trying to argue with you.  1) If a game sells well on a poor selling console like Mario Kart Wii it proves that it doesn't have mass appeal.

2)If a game sells poorly on a poor selling console, then it ALSO doesn't have mass appeal.

3)In otherwords, based on your arguement, there can be no games with mass appeal on poor selling consoles period.   Including Call of Duty by the way.  Which sold well on the PS3 back when the PS3 was doing subdreamcast numbers.

Actually the problem is you just don't want to admit that the situation is far more complex than you are suggesting so I'll break it down for you: 

1) The console is poor selling. How could a game with mass appeal sell poorly? Clearly it doesn't have mass appeal. 
1ii) Also you have completely ignored the fact that Nintendo fans are not just dedicated, but forced into buying 1st party games due to a lack of 3rd party titles. If you've gone and bought a GC/Wii/WiiU, if you want to play games, you are almost forced to buy 1st party due to a lack of 3rd party titles. No other console does this, so this is why the uptake of 1st party titles on Nintendo consoles is so high. Imagine if CoD was the only FPS on the Xbox - if you wanted to play an FPS, you'd be forced to buy CoD.

2) Well, yes, clearly that is self-explanatory...

3) Are you really using a multiplatform game to prove your point...? Well that's a point not proven as gamers have the choice to buy the console that they prefer the most, and therefore the game for said console. Considering the price of the PS3 it explains a lot why people would have chosen the 360 as their preferred console, or just waited for a price drop. As the WiiU has almost no 3rd party games and is the cheapest of the 3 consoles, obviously these reasons do not apply to it.

In short, MK will sell well on the WiiU, but the sales will be exactly the same as we've seen for past 1st party games. Boost for a few weeks, then back down to 40k and lower. The only people interested in MK are Nintendo fans and they are a dwindling bunch as gaming has evolved, yet Nintendo hasn't. 

1) You are denying the antecedent. A game which has several entries selling over 9 million copies has broad appeal. If one entry fails to sell well, this does not prove the opposite. You are not considering other potential factors.

For example:

If it rains, then the grass gets wet.
It is not raining.
Therefore, the grass is not wet.

1ii) Yep, it's pretty scary going to the shops and having the cashier put a gun to your head until you've bought your quota of 1st party Nintendo titles for the day. I've already discussed the options available for racing games, and even kart racers on Nintendo's systems. Mario Kart just sells better.

2) Right back to denying the antecedent. By this logic, all XBOX Original titles had zero mass appeal, as it sold similar to the GC. But you have denied this conclusion, as it somehow only applies to Nintendo systems. Your logic is completely flawed.