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I always believed that the One would take NA and UK, this is a belief I still hold. However; on a global scale, the PS4 will still take the win in all likelihood since it has a strong presence in most of Europe and the One will be irrelevant in Japan, the 7-9 million or so the PS4 will sell in Japan will make some difference in the total lifetime tally. Not to mention that the gap in US should be quite a bit smaller than the PS3 - 360 ever was.
I wrote in the UNITY thread that without the Kinect fudging up the One's market aim through forced market convergence, the two consoles would be striving for likeness and the installed base would be equally similar, that's still on at this point imo.

I also said that Kinect would never become a proper gaming device and won't go far beyond interface functionality and should thus be dropped as a mandatory pack-in, the former is looking increasingly likely and the latter is already happening.

The One and Wii U shared one similar problem at launch; a bipolar identity, and the price wasn't doing the xbox any favors either. The main difference is that if MS drops the Kinect; there is still a saleable product underneath, whereas the Gamepad is, as a proper paradox, the one thing that makes the Wii U set itself apart at all and prevents it from becoming a slightly better alternative to PS360 or a very bleak one to PS4/One is also the very essence of the console's issues from the beginning; no clear market indentity and thus no proper demographic aim.