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One thing I know for sure is kids are freaking nuts over cell phone/tablet gaming.

Every time I'm in a store like Best Buy, the iPad section has 2 or 3 little kids around it, and an Apple Store on a Saturday is like walking through a day care center.

Kids just take to tablets/smartphones like fish to water, I'm not sure what Nintendo can really do. Parents encourage it too, because it's simply a helluva lot cheaper to give your kid a 5-6 free or 99 cent games on the tablet than buy them some new gaming device that's going to zing you for $40 a pop every birthday/Christmas.

Last year was the lowest for Nintendo handheld sales since 1997/98 which is just before the launch of Game Boy Color. For a year that had Pokemon X/Y, Animal Crossing, Zelda: ALBW, and other strong titles ... that's seriously troubling.