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PC Discussion - mac vs. pc - View Post

TheRealMafoo said:
Mac's. There is nothing I can do on a "PC" that I can't do on a Mac. My Mac runs OSX/XP/Vista (I don't run Vista, but I could).

This means Mac = everything. "PC" = everything but OSX (and OSX is the best part of "everything" :p)

I could go into a hundred reasons why a Mac is better, but the simple fact that a Mac is “PC+more” means it’s better.

 PCs can run OSX as well.

There goes your argument.

The fact is, Macs and PCs are both just a bunch of hardware, and you could tack nearly any OS onto the hardware.

But Macs have locked-in hardware, you can't upgrade it, you can't get a gaming-quality computer cheaply, you can't buy individual parts at all...

So I don't understand why anyone would buy Mac hardware, other than its design.  And let me tell you, I'm not going to spend an extra $1000 to get my PC rig to fit inside my monitor, or be super-thin.

I GLADLY run a big rig with tons of fans, they're not too loud, and they have cool's not the picture of sleek and sexy, but I'm not gonna spend $1000 extra for that. 

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )