Porcupeth said:
How is this so hard to understand? I already summed it up a few pages back, it's exactly like I said. It's an option on top of the usual ways of buying the game. Normally there are 2, here there are 3, including those traditional 2. |
The issue is not just this instance, but the precedence that it sets. How long until the 2 traditional options are gone?
While the original Xbox One (DRM edition) was a big step, it was by no means the first step. Once consumers are okay with paid online access, it's only one more step to be okay with renting cheap games (instead of owning them) along with the subscription. Then consumers just need to be slowly introduced to renting AAA titles, and it's just one more step to then Xbox One (DRM edition).
Had Microsoft remained patient, launched the Xbox One (180 edition) without attempting their DRM plans, and waited until next gen to try it (with a few more of these little steps along the way), we may not have heard the slightest peep from consumers.
Hell, judging by the apathy demonstrated here, we probably still won't.