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Raze said:
prayformojo said:
Raze said:

As a silent observer, I've watched the software charts over the past few months. It really seems like people are primarily buying games for the last gen systems. It makes me wonder if we really needed a new Sony or Microsoft console. Sure, Nintendo had to play catch up in the graphics department to become HD, but did anyone seriously need an upgrade to the PS3 or 360? The software charts seem to be saying "no".

Perchance it's just a matter of ownership, as there are a ton more PS3 and 360 owners than there are PS4 and XB1 owners. Yet, I'm curious - as a gamer did you really need a new generation of consoles? Was your last gen console no longer good enough?

I really don't think the general public wants consoles anymore. I think hardcore gamers do, but that's about it. The days of console gaming being a pop culture thing are over imo. Anyone old enough to remember the PS2 knows just how different things are now. The PS4 is a success so far, but absoutely nothing like the PS2. The Wii will probably go down as the last huge console.

I think we're headed for a service based future. No more Xbox One vs. PS4. It'll be Playstation Now vs. Xbox Now etc. 

I definitely agree. Last gen people were touting that Blu Ray would be around for a long time, which in some fashion, it will. Yet, streaming video and online services are severely affecting BluRay sales. Services like Steam are gaining more and more ground in the video game world, so I absolutely agree that gaming services from the 3 console makers will become more and more of a reality in the next 2 generations, and less about physical hardware. Few people buy CDs anymore, and fewer people are buying DVDs/Blu Ray movies, the gaming world is the last outpost for disc based entertainment.

Yeah, I read recently that sales of Blu-Ray are down and I believe it. Take a look at your local Wal-Mart. Their CD isle is down to one and their movie section is getting smaller and smaller. I tried to find the first Hobbit on Blu-Ray a few weeks back and it's no where to be found. That would have been unheard of just a few years ago.

It's not something I personally like. I'm older, and so, phyiscal media just feels right. But we're definately headed toward an all digital/streaming future. People don't have to like it, but embracing it would be a good idea imo.