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ICStats said:
Mr Khan said:

2016 they enter a "phase out" era with a, perhaps spring, launch of a new handheld (which will have given 3DS a solid 5-year run) which is fully cross-compatible with Wii U games by being as strong as the U. The handheld subs as the gamepad allowing them to sell through the last wave of Wii U's as gamepad-free, and then launch a "successor" which just up-rezzes the handheld games.

We'll see high end tablets that can match Wii U performance, but with the prices Nintendo targets for it's handhelds it's doubtful you'll see such processors in NextDS.

I also doubt that NextDS will be cross-compatible with Wii U because #1 hell will freeze over before they use a PowerPC CPU in a portable, and #2 there's little point to be compatible with a failed platform with few games.

It doesn't have to match Wii U performance, it just has to make Wii U ports reasonable. For example it could run the games at 480 or 540p resolution on the road. 

Their next handheld fusion device will probably use a ARM core, but they will probably take steps with the design and dev kits to streamline some aspects of porting from the Wii U if a developer wants to do that.