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Max King of the Wild said:
Soundwave, discontinuing support for the console is just as bad as discontinuing the console all together. Especially considering the sales they get while they are supporting it. Can you imagine what it'll look like in the end game?

Wii U is going to look fairly ugly in the end any way you spin it, I don't think there's much that can be done about that. 

Nintendo probably has the following games in developmentment under their financing -- Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros. U, Hyrule Warriors, Pokken Fighters, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade 2, Fatal Frame U, Yarn Yoshi, probably a few others we don't know about like a Mario Party U. They should take them a while to release all those games anyway, and they will release those games no matter what, even if the Wii U only sells 10 more systems total. 

What's probably happening behind the scenes though is I suspect some projects that might have been on the Wii U otherwise though that are beginning a big part of their development now ... like say an Animal Crossing U or Mario Galaxy 3 ... those games might be transferred to Nintendo's "fusion handheld" platform instead. Better to launch strongly with that than keep investing into a sinking ship.