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Mr Khan said:
JEMC said:
It's amazing (in a bad way) how Nintendo has been able to go from their most successful console ever to what looks to be their least successful one.

And as other have said, I doubt Nintendo will bring a new home console in the near (2 years) future as the competition would simply destroy it before launch. It's a really bad situation.

Again, that's why they have to think laterally. Nintendo isn't built to fight the likes of Sony and Microsoft on their terms, and that has been clear since the dawn of PlayStation. Every time Nintendo has tried to fight, they've done worse and worse. The one time they didn't was when they exploded.

Now yes, it's not as simple as saying "Well, we'll just make another Wii/DS," but the ingredients are there. The Quality of Life platform in that sense is a very smart move (implemented right, of course. We know nothing about it). But the core of their business is still in the traditional gaming sphere, which is under assault from several quarters.

1) They need to accept that no handheld system can get mainstream penetration anymore without being integrated to Windows, iOS, or Android (with Nintendo's style, Droid is the best)

2) Put all or mostly all of their software resources into this new platform. No more splitting efforts.

3) Thus make it possible to put the games on the big-screen for people who are accustomed to that.

Focus on low-cost, optimizing their long-term returns on Wii U tech. Put maybe a graphics booster of some sort in the home dock for maybe a higher-end experience for those who choose it. Nintendo experience, get the Android software support, lots of different stuff going on there.

The problem of the lateral thinking is that it doesn't guarantee success. Wii and DS were successful, but WiiU has resulted in the opposite (I see the 3DS a mid term of both ways of thinking).

As for the rest of your post, and judging from past Nintendo briefings and interviews, we can say that they are already doing that

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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