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Pardon the title, it's meant for hits.

On Tuesday IDC came out with a 73 page report detailing what they expect to happen over the course of the generation in terms of sales.
It doesn't take a spurge to see that 51m ps4's sold by 2016 is a pretty fanciful number. IDC is a professional analsyt group that sells their data and analysis.

I believe we could be doing a much better job.

So, I'm looking for some of the best and brightest to form a new group dedicated to observing trends and predicting sales. Through sheer merit of the 10-week countdown and NPD prediction threads, I already know of a few.

The goal is to create a group, discuss ideas, and write our own sales analyses...starting out just for fun and sport, and possibly later evolving into something more serious.

Goals will be gathering data, identifying which significant events influenced sales. This will take research. Typically, we will go through one year and with data in hand scour the web to find what made sales go up from one week to the next. Using this set of influential factors, on top of our own ideas about trends, and predictive capabilities on price-drops, remodels, and games releases, I believe we can estimate with the best of them.

This takes an extremely objective mind, as well as creativity and business sense. Anyone is free to join and prove their merit. :D

Once we've found a group of starting members, I'll create a new thread for discussion, and we'll go from there.

As always, thanks for reading.