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Zero999 said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
After the first ND of 2014, it was clear to me that they had already given up on the WiiU.

Nintendo is not going to invest anything more in the WiiU but the very, very bare essential.

Whatever could be cancelled, is cancelled.
Whatever could be moved, is moved to 3DS or new platform.
Whatever they thought it would sell, they now accept it will be a bit over 15 Mil TLD.

The worst thing of all is that Nintendo - when you look back - never really tried with the WiiU. We cannot even say that they tried and failed, which happens. They didn't really try in the first place.

Whatever vision they had for the WiiU, was probably gone before it even launched.
It was lackluster from the very start :(

Posts like this are laughable, at best. It's weird that so many keep trying, knowing the words will probably bite them in the ass later.

You need to chill out dude. The system you keep defending is a trainwreck from a market performance POV, sooner or later you're the one who's going to have to accept that reality. 

There's been some huge bullish Wii U supporters on this board before and they've since dissapeared, most likely because the system has wildly underperformed after they made a huge fuss about it being a sure fire success. The people who were doubtful about the system early on have been vindicated as being right at virtually every quarterly Nintendo report. 

Some people just can't seperate their love for a company's games with actual cold, hard market data.