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burninmylight said:
Teflon02 said:
burninmylight said:
Teflon02 said:
burninmylight said:
Teflon02 said:
I feel bad for you if every game on your top 10 list is on Nintendo, I don't care if you're biased or not lol. I'm not dissing or saying they are bad, but come on lmao.


It's quite self explanitory.

No it isn't. And the fact that you felt the need to point out that you're not dissing or saying Nintendo bad, sounds like, well, you're dissing Nintendo and saying it's a bad thing to enjoy mostly Nintendo games. That's grounds for a ban. So here we are again. Explain.

What? Grounds for ban? Do you need me to spell out the obvoius? YOU are misinterperating something and trying to tell me something I did not say is grounds for ban, keep it moving with that. Or is that grounds for ban too? I'm pointing it out because people jump to conclusions. It's like how the thread opening points out 3 games never on nintendo is in the top 20 though. So you're telling me it's implying something to? Don't try put words in my mouth it simply means my opinion is that I prefer a mixed list, I stated I'm not dissing cause it's all opinion. You can take what I said how you want, but don't try tell me it's grounds for ban, I didn't do name calling nor did I curse etc. I simply gave my simple opinion. Stop overreacting. What's the point of forums if you can't express a opinion and your feeling? I'm not dissing anyone, half those games are in my top 10 too. So here we are again. Please explain. I don't mind I'll go all year with this. I state it's not a diss and because I stated it's not a diss all of a sudden it's a diss. I don't play those games, if I got something to say I'll say it. It should be on grounds for ban for trying to force your way on people, and putting words in peoples mouths with reasoning that has NO actual relevance apart from it being YOUR opinion. You took it the wrong way, I didn't say anything bad, you are reading way to into it. Anyone can do that to about every other comment on this site. 

"What? Grounds for ban? Do you need me to spell out the obvoius? YOU are misinterperating something and trying to tell me something I did not say is grounds for ban, keep it moving with that. "

Well obviously I do. Rather than misinterpreting anything or jumping to conclusions, I keep trying to get you to explain what you meant. That's the point of me saying, "Explain." You've replied twice now and have yet to do so. Instead, you keep saying it should be obvious. That's the sound of backpedaling to me. If you would just explain what you meant, we could have moved on from this by now, don't you think?

"It's like how the thread opening points out 3 games never on nintendo is in the top 20 though. So you're telling me it's implying something to?"

The TC isn't saying someone should feel bad for having their 10 favorite games (minus one) on one particular system. And yes, the TC is implying something with the line about three games never appearing on Nintendo consoles. He is implying that he plays more than Nintendo consoles and is open to games on other consoles.

"Don't try put words in my mouth it simply means my opinion is that I prefer a mixed list, I stated I'm not dissing cause it's all opinion. You can take what I said how you want, but don't try tell me it's grounds for ban, I didn't do name calling nor did I curse etc. I simply gave my simple opinion."

Then perhaps try saying that you personally prefer a mixed list? If your opinion was so "simple," then try keeping it simple. I know what an opinion is. What you should know is that stating your opinion doesn't give you free reign to disparage that of othersm so flippantly. Name calling and cursing isn't the only way to disrespect people in forums.

"Stop overreacting."

"What's the point of forums if you can't express a opinion and your feeling?"

The point is to do it in a respectful manner. If you can't do that, then you gotta go.

The rest of your post is just rehashing and repeating what you've typed over and over again, so I don't feel the need to reiterate. Let me put it this way: If I said I feel sorry for your mom that she had to birth and raise you, is that acceptable? I didn't curse. I didn't call anyone names. It's merely my opinion. So by your logic, that kind of speech is perfectly acceptable in forums.

But I will repeat one thing: if you would just explain what you really meant in your first post, all of this would probably be a moot point by now.

Funny, I'm sure if you were reading you'd have your answer. But no you're trying to make a issue outta my opinion keep going with the non-sense yourr question has a answer re-read my previous comment. Don't contradict. Also I'm not overeacting, you clearly are, I said something quite simple. If you don't understand, well then move on. You are trying to be smart. If you were actually were asking a question and wanted a answer you would NEVER have said any crap about getting a ban AND trying to tell me what I said. Don't be a hypocrite now. I'm not dumb, that studd is worthless. Don't talk bans to me and when I completely debunk your statement, act like "oh it's all just a innocent question. Smh...