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J_Allard said:

It seems you still don't know what hypocritical means. I'm going to explain yet again why you are wrong here. Follow along.

1. I bought and played the inferior PS3 versions of CoD. It bothered me a little (because they were REALLY bad), but I did it anyway because that was where some of my CoD buddies/siblings were at. Now, where is the hypocrisy here? Even if I said I owned and played Ghosts on Xbone, why would it be hypocritical of me to own the inferior Xbone version, when last gen I owned inferior PS3 versions? Isn't this.. consistent? Isn't this.. the opposite of flip-flopping?

2. What games have been shown to meet "my criteria" for inferior? I listed a bunch of things that bothered me about CoD on PS3. You retort with some tiny Spider Man pics and pics of Ghosts that are actually brighter on Xbone and tbh shitty looking for both platforms. But again, where is there any hypocritical stuff here? Have I been on this board saying Ghosts is better on Xbone or something? Have I been actively playing and enjoying Spider Man on Xbone without knowing it?

3. Are you under some bizarre impression that I think the Xbone is more powerful than PS4 or something? That I don't know a lot of the MP games have better resolution on PS4? Can you please control+f the thread and find a post in here where I reference resolution? Take your time.

Look I have enjoyed this back and forth and I wish you'd continue because it's just been funny as hell to read but I am starting to feel bad. What I am going to do, since you don't know how to use hypocritical correctly in a sentence, is I am going to make you sort of an "Allard Hypocritical Cheat Sheet". Are you ready to begin? Ok.

In this thread I have expressed displeasure in playing CoD on PS3 due to:

  • Slower matchmaking
  • Shit voice quality
  • Dark, muddled image quality (which I explained both PS3 and 360 had this issue with Ghosts)
  • One month delay in DLC
  • Longer load times, especially ridiculous on a couple of the games

Now, do you see that list? Feel free to print it out and use it as a reference. Now here's the fun part. If you ever see me on here praising a game and having a good time with no qualms whatsoever playing a game that has these issues on Xbox One and not on PS4, then you may reply crying about hypocrtical flip-flopping. Until then please pick your spots a little bit better.

Now, regarding the underlined, no. Like I said, you can have the last word there, I am done trying to help you. And now I am done trying to help you with hypocrite as well. Bye.

The fact that you've said "I'm done talking, toodles" and "enjoy the last word" twice shows that you can't even be consistent in that regard either. Anyway, do you know what hypocrite means? Here you go: "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings". My post will show how in each point, you've acted in contradiction to prior beliefs.

1. It's not that you owned inferior version last gen, then owned them this gen. It's that last gen, the games were supposedly shittier and here you are making a big whoop about why they were inferior....but those same things don't bother you anymore when they plague the Xbox. This isn't specific to this thread, but only relevant due to what you said about CoD. Like how people brought up "pretend exclusives" in this thread, even though it's from another thread. It's about your post history, in relation to what you've said about CoD in this thread. You know what it makes you when things applicable to someone else are "shitty" in your opinion, but when they affect you, all else being equal, they aren't "shitty"? Yea, think about that.

2. You can go to the original Digital Foundry comparison to ASM2 to see the comparison between the two and you wanna know why Ghost is brighter on XBone? It's because the image is more washed out. I wouldn't consider that a good thing. But it doesn't matter if you haven't been talking about Ghosts specifically. It's an example. Do you know what an example is? An example is when you use something to illustrate a point. You were talking about "worse image quality" with X360 games being brighter and more colorful overall. I show you 2 examples of games having better "image quality" on PS4....then you lose it because it's 2 games you're not talking about or playing? Like I pointed out, you said most multiplats fell under this umbrella last gen.....but you didn't play most multiplats and still make that statement. But when I show you games that *gasp* you haven't played....I can't use them to say the multiplats on PS4 are better? You know what what that makes you?

3. I didn't say you thought XBone was more powerful than PS4. But then again, all I said was "things like resolution and textures" and as I explained in a prior post, because I didn't make an entire list of the criterion for "image quality", you're jumping on resolution specifically because you hadn't talked about that factor and that was a "thing like", amongst other possibilities, that I if it invalidates the point I was making. You got 1 out of 3 here. This doesn't make you a hypocrite. Instead, it's just you moving the goalpost. 

I won't go by a point by point analysis of the bullet points you made. With "especially ridiculous" load times being a complete fabrication (as shown by Digital Foundry), one month delay on DLC making you feel "second class", but you have no qualms with timed exclusive games, and image quality making CoD games "way inferior" on PS3, but you have no issue with lower image quality on XBone games, I don't feel the need to go into deep analysis to refute the points you've made. You'll just say the opposite, in some manner, to things you've stated in this thread or in the past.