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GlingGling said:
Ideally, WiiWare would promote a better environment for new games because "classics" should be taken care of with VC. I've heard there are still remakes, but checking the current WiiWare list at Wikipedia shows only a few "remake/classics" (this may not be the whole list).

It's hard to say if anyone will or even can stand on top. Digitally delivery is in it's infancy. And any system designed to advertise and deliver content can be broken in a myriad of ways (over saturation, poor selectivity, unattractive pricing).

For me there is hope in WiiWare because it doesn't exist yet, it has the opportunity to not suffer from current problems. So let's hope for the best, for Indie developer's sake.

I guess we'll have to wait and see...  

One of the complaints that some XBLA developers have is the fact that they have to compete with large developers and I see WiiWare as having the same problem (possibly worse since Nintendo is developing games for it as well). 

Another complaint is having to compete with older arcade games which is something else that WiiWare also has a problem with (I would argue a much worse problem).  People can pretend that because VC is separate from WiiWare that it somehow makes a difference but lets be honest, anyone savvy enough to be using their Wii to buy WiiWare games will be well aware of VC.

Yet another problem with WiiWare is Nintendo allowing developers to release one game per month on the service (they claim this will change sometime after the launch window but we'll see).  That fixes a complaint from XBLA developers about releases being spread apart but I'm willing to bet when 6 or 7 WiiWare titles come out in a week that the developers of the ones that got lost in the crowd will be wishing it would have only been 1 or 2 instead.