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Anyway, yeah, if you look at it like that, my Top 10 from the Top 50's thread also includes some games 'playable' on Wii. They weren't eligible to be included in that list for being on Wii though; Ocarina isn't the same there as playing the real thing. In reality, there's no Wii games in my Top 10.

If you're curious, 4 games there are playable on Wii, 5 if you count the remake of 007 (but you shouldn't, it's different):

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
3. Super Mario 64
4. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
5. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
6. SimCity 4
7. GoldenEye 007
8. Mario Kart 64
9. Super Mario Bros. 3
10. RollerCoaster Tycoon 2

Furthermore, 24 out of the 50 were games on a Nintendo platform, with just a single original Wii game. Super Mario Galaxy at #17. There's 2 if you'd include Twilight Princess at #11, and 14 in total playable on Wii. My list heavily favored the era between 1997 and 2003, that's the 5th Gen and the start of the 6th, which brought 21 games.

Wii certainly didn't win, though if our point was that it secretly did in fact win because our favorites are actually playable on the system, I agree it actually did pretty good.

And yes, I keep the stats of my lists .