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J_Allard said:

Anyone care to check my Gamertag and see how many Amazing Spider-Man 2 or Ghosts achievements I have? I'll wait while you reach the conclusion of zero.

Done yet? Good. Now please explain how there is any hypocrisy if you're listing games I don't play LOL. Its hard for me to give two shits about the differences in games I don't play. Thanks though, being attacked a second time by people who don't even understand the words theyre throwing out is great for laughs. Like I said: too emotional. Enjoy the last word on the matter.

Doesn't matter if you haven't played those games. You said that one of the reasons why  most multiplats were "way inferior" was due to image quality. Unless you played most multiplats last gen to be able to make that statement? But considering there's over 600 games the PS3 and 360 share, I doubt that's true, so you can't fall back on "herp derp, I didn't play those games, so they are irrelevant LOL". You can make a generalization about multiplatform games last gen, even though you didn't play most of those games ......but now that the situation has been reversed, showing games that meets your criteria for "way inferior" don't count because....what's that? You haven't played these games? Even though by that same token, you were able to talk about last gen? Another example of your hypocritical flip flopping!

But let me just give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's skip all the mental gymnastics you're doing to seem like you're being consistent, and just leave it up to only the games you've played. I dunno what your gametag is, but unless you've only played XBone exclusives so far, then chances are you've played a "way inferior" game, considering the vast majority (if not all) of multiplatform games out have had PS4 > XBone. But again.....that doesn't fit the anti-PS narrative you're trying to push. Go ahead and change the goalpost again, though. You're already 3 for 3 in being completely hypocritical. Be my guest and make it 4 for 4