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VitroBahllee said:
WTF! If "Good enough" is good enough, why such hate for the Xbox One and its lower resolutions?
People on here really don't care about image quality? Could have FOOLED ME in all the X1 related threads.
But if it's about movies, then SCREW resolution, quality, color-depth, etc. Just 'good enough' is fine.
I don't get people.

Uh... Congrats on reading comprehensin failure. 
The post you are complaining about were in fact just making a realistic assessment of mass market tastes,
and the author most certainly would themselves complain about said masses' low standards,
although with some level of maturity they may have already come to terms with that being how reality works.
Indeed MS is aware of the same thing, which is why they acknowledged (obliquely) short comings of XBone architecture (/DRM),
but stated they felt the mass market didn't care about details like that, and were happy to lap up whatever they are served.