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Sony Ranks Second and Nintendo Seventh Between Companies the Japanese are Most Proud of

by Giuseppe Nelva (11 minutes ago) 0

The Japanese are known to be very proud of their local corporations, but which ones are they most proud of? The business firm Risk Monster sought to answer that question via a recently published survey titled “Japanese Companies to be Proud of in Front of the World”

The research was conducted among 1000 men and women between 20 and 69 years old, with the additional condition that those between 20 and 59 years old had to be employed. The 200 companies included in the survey had over 250 billion yen in yearly sales and more than 5,000 employees.

The interesting result is that there are two console manufacturers within the top 20.

  1. Toyota - 64.5%
  2. Sony - 40.6%
  3. Honda - 40.5%
  4. Panasonic - 36.6%
  5. Nissan - 31.1%
  6. Canon - 29.0%
  7. Nintendo - 26.5%
  8. Hitachi - 26.4%
  9. Bridgestone -26.2%
  10. Toshiba - 25.8%
  11. Sharp - 23.3%
  12. ANA - 22.4%
  13. Yamato - 21.4%
  14. Yamaha - 21.3%
  15. Fujitsu - 21.2%
  16. Mitsubishi - 20.8%
  17. Suntory - 20.6%
  18. Japan Airlines - 19.6%
  19. Ajinomoto - 19.1%
  20. TOTO - 19.1%

While Sony’s result is definitely flattering, considering that it came close to the top beating historical conglomerates like Honda and Nissan, Nintendo’s result is especially significant, considering that it’s the only company in the top 20 that makes only video games and consoles, while Sony can count on a much wider range of products.

One thing is for sure, the Japanese are a proud people, and they’re very proud of their cars, their electronics, and most definitely of their video games.


