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only read the first page, so apologies if my point has already been covered.

The issue is that those 3 games have to appeal to the same demographic/be of the same genre.

So on the XBone; Titanfall, Dead Rising and Ryse all appeal to the same date raping dudebro demographic, so it makes sense for them to jump in at that point.

Platformers aside, the Wii U doesn't have many games in the same genre.

RPG wise there's MH3 and arguably Zelda. So RPG fans will be waiting for X.
Niche wise there's W101 and Pikmin 3, so fans of weird games are probably waiting for Bayonetta 2.
Action adventure wise there's only Windwaker so we're waiting on another Zelda and something else that hits the same buttons.
Family wise, there's a lot, but I think that big multiplayer title is needed, hopefully Mario Kart will do the job.
Shooter wise there's nothing really of note, and nothing exclusive.
Horror there's Zombie U. When Fatal Frame comes out, and if Nintendo do work out a deal for another exclusive, it might encourage horror fans to pick one up.

In other words, the Wii U lineup is diverse, but there's not quite enough in each genre, platforming aside.