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RolStoppable said:
ICStats said:

You can't possibly think a console designed to run <35 Watts is built with intent to compete with what Sony & MS do.

Approximately, Wii U is to 8th gen what WIi was to 7th gen.

I can, because Nintendo stated their intentions. It's all in the reveal of the Wii U at E3 2011. Lacking/questionable execution doesn't change the intent.

Are you saying that they wanted to compete head-to-head but were incompetent?

I don't think so, I believe the actions more than the PR that's trying to make you think the Wii U would be powerful.

Wii U fits the 1/2 generation upgrade formula the Wii used, which was supposed to sell to the Wii + DS crowd because it's the combination of motion controls of Wii and touch controls of DS.

Unfortunately, while 2nd screen technology must have been technically challenging, I think we can agree that the sum of two old innovations didn't create something new and exciting.

My 8th gen collection