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Max King of the Wild said:
Jay70sgamer said:
Nes= profitable
Super nes = profitable
Wii u =more than likely profitable at end of generation
Nintendo does not care about who sells the most as long as a profit is being made......moral of story as long as nintendo as a company makes a profit on their consoles they could care less how their sales decline or how many consoles are sold that is the purpose of running a business to profit lol just saying

nintendo JUST met their last years projection. They are bundling sw like crazy and already cut the price 50 dollars.before that, they were losing money on each system sold. Now,  there plan is to bundle their biggest seller this year.... where are these profits going to come from? Nintendo does care about unit sales because that means more sw sold. less cost on production per unit and more profit. The Wii U is a money sink and having such low sales isnt helping one bit

Manufacturing costs reduce with time. PS3 was once a gargantuan money sink.