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Nope. I found Demon's Souls so dull after the first few hours that I didn't even bother finishing it, whereas I played Dark Souls a good four times and got the platinum trophy, and have already put 45 hours into Dark Souls 2. The two Dark games are both so much more engaging, with infinitely better design and art direction.

Given that it would be From Software developing a potential Demon's Souls 2, I'd much rather they pushed on with Dark Souls 3. If Sony could have their own Japan studio work on it, and make it far more Dark Souls than Demon's Souls, I'd be all over it, as I'd also have Dark Souls 3 on the way.

Ultimately I think asking for Demon's Souls 2 is a bit redundant. They've got a good thing going with Dark Souls, and the PS4 will have plenty of exclusive games coming its way, so I don't think it needs a Demon's Souls 2.