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Kasz216 said:

Your numbers are FAR to optimistic, and your belief on how improtant a player Amazon is in the market is just outright wrong.

250,000 / 3 =  $~83,300  (Despite the fact you'd expect sales to be front loaded.)

So for an average 50K sales.

So you think for the 19.99 (Is what it started at) the game sold for.  They made $1.70  per copy sold.   Despite digital supposidly being better for developers then retial.

Well actually less since that's revenue shared with 360, and PS3.

Also, you think that Amazon can TRIPLE the sales of a game.  Despite the fact that Valve is by far the strongest market force in digital, and Amazon's digital market is known to be fairly insignficant.   (Hence why expansions into england focus on how much stronger a videogame retailer they are there.)


If I wanted to take it to the most absurb extreme I would of simply used Thief Gold.   Which was actually Free in Feburary if you entered a contest.  Even so, despite being Free I doubt it was downloaded nearly 1 Million times required to surpass PS4.

Different stores have different percentages of the market, right down to specific consoles.   The reason why the number seem to work out right now hardware wise is because it's the start of the generation.


With consoles, it's a lot easier to get "lucky", as there has been a fairly big gap... and your comparing a whole two.




One final one to illustrate, and if you don't get it at this point... fine.


Xbone 250K,   Bravely Default 200K.    Bravely Default ahead in Amazon Rankings.

360 GTA >  PS3 GTA in NPD.   PS3 GTA> 360 GTA in Amazon.


Minecraft 360> Bravely Default in NPD.   In Amazon.  Bravley Default 6, Minecraft 25... and behind a  couple other games that didn't chart in the top 10.   Like FFX Remastered, Tomb Raider.  (Also Battlefield 3.  Which is digital download.)


You can't blindly trust one websites top sellers list for information.

One by one...

1. The Amzong Game at $2.49 was a digital code to Steam... it is the Valve after all.

2. You don't have any of these games sales (Thief, Brother: Tale of two Sons, etc)... no you are not proving nothing here.

3. The first good example... thanks.

Bravely Default sold more than 200k
Xbone sold 258k

Amazon Bravely Default: #8
Amazon Xbone: #23 and #71

That is what you are not getting... there are Multiples SKUs... and if the two Xbone SKUs outsold Bravely Default?

4. GTA V is good example and  you are right... Minecraft have two SKUs too but one of them is not in the TOP100.


See... it is accurate yet... over a lot of examples only one was wrong.

What did you don't get is that I said "accurate for Hardware" and you insisted in Software... that was cool because proved to me that Software is accurate too.

NPD April will come and we will see if it holds accurate again.

How many months you will need to undertand?