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Kasz216 said:

Which is fairly irrelevent.

A Brothers Tale is a indy PC game... released in September.

 No way did it outsell most of the big physical hardware games in January, unless the PC market is WAY bigger then anyone thinks.

In which case, you'd likely see other games up there like Payday.

Since between Septmeber and December when the game was released it made about 250,000K for the company.  Which was outproduced by Payday.  A really really old game.

It would had to have hit a HUGE popularity swing in January to even remotely match up.



Hardware and Software are calculated the same, and therefore a problem with one SHOULD be a problem with the other.  I've actually done this before so I know how it works.


That is the point... the ranking didn't shows the sales number but the sales position.

#11 can be 100k
#12 can be 1k

We don't know how much units the games sold by Amazon ranking but they are pretty accurate to say if a console outsold the other in US.

For now I showed 8 months that it was accurate... nobody could show one wrong