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ethomaz said:
Dark_Feanor said:
It might show if one is selling more or less than the other.

But you can´t determine the extent of one lead based on that chart NOR estimate the total sales for a given time.

Those assumptions failed time and time again.

Who said sales numbers? It reflect the position of the consoles sales in US... not the units sold.

Eg. You can have the #1 selling 100k units and the #2 selling 99k units or #1 selling 100k units and the #2 selling 1k units... both are true and reflected in the ranking but the difference bettwen the two cases are huge in units sales.

Yes, and we don´t know the difference on any case.

But I was talking about adding 999 units to your chart and than see the minut-to-minute sales then estrapolate those ratio to a regular supply situation.