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Sigh people complain about new agendas when they previously had the same. Then complain that you can't do this and that when they previously did the same. Then say it is not about quantity it is about quality but want to disregard the indie titles that have scored better than basically EVERY retail exclusive. Then say others say it is about what you like not what all it has. This thread has gotten crazy lol.

All the list does is show available and up coming games for both the PS4 and XB1. And as it CURRENTLY stands the PS4 has more games and more coming up regardless of what ANY of us have to say. Doesn't matter if you personally like the games or not RIGHT NOW the PS4 has MORE games between the two. Now will all of the games appeal to everyone? But that is true for any matter how many games it has all of them don't appeal to everyone. So what does this mean in the end? It means YOU get whichever system best suits what YOU want to play and stick with it. No need to debate quality over and over and over again. Because what may be QUALITY to you may not be QUALITY to someone else. It is all about what you PREFER to play. All this other arguing that is going on is silly and meaningless. The list shows the NUMBER of games for both consoles not which is BETTER or more QUALITY but the number of games. Not the number you PREFER to play or choose to play but the number available.....geez people.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23