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Pretty odd when you think back to E3 last year what Sony came out and done, laid down the law in terms of how gamers would be able to trade in their games and swap them exactly like on the ps3. To follow that by bringing out a line of devs who were working solely on games for the PSNstore... which can obviously never be traded in or swapped with your mates, clever enough strategy.

I mean there is nothing wrong with those games on psn, from what I heard of Towerfall of friends playing it I would love to see it come to the Vita if it's as "Tumblepop"y as my friends described it, just until we see versions of store games which can be traded to psn friends or refunded for a %age of the cost then their E3 stuff about owning your games and doing what you want with them has a pretty big * at the end of it for me.

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