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spurgeonryan said:
Cranky is fine and pulls his weight. The game is fun as well. But when one area stops me for too long I lose interest.

One of the major reasons games are easier now is because of the ability to save your game which changes everything. For example Mr. spurgeonryan here. His problem is made worse by saving. In the NES days he would get to the part he was stuck on lose all his lives and have to start all over. That sounds terrible by todays standards but it would actually give you a break from your frustration as you replayed the part of the game you were familiar with. But since he can save probably right before the part he is stuck on it becomes more like banging your head against a wall over and over again as being stuck at one point becomes the only part of the game you are playing.  Also a lot of older games were made so that you could play them in one sitting if you were good enough because you couldn't be expected to play a game for 15-20 hours straight, if those games had been easy everyone would have just returned the games when they beat them in a day. They had to make them hard so these 90 minute games would take you a week or 7 to beat them the first time.  Also some of those hard games are actually very easy with a save feature, I've play some VC games and some Roms and let me tell you they are way easier when you can save.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)