tuscaniman99 said:
I just checked online and it was $499 at Amazon and Gamestop. If I have to jump through hoops to get the best deal then it isn't a price drop. Price needs to be officially dropped to $399 WITH Kinect or $349 w/out/$449 with. I don't care if Sony wins April, May, etc. By the end of this generation Xbox One will outsell the PS4 in NA. Sony just doesn't know how to make a quality exclusive multiplayer experience. Please don't mention Killzone because it is dead. Killzone doesn't sell consoles.
you realize that you are just giving more posts to have another thread like this six months from now. right? MP experiences can pretty much be accomplished through 3rd parties. CoD, Destiny, Titanfall 2, ectect. all which will help ps4 with better res and framerate more