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pokoko said:
This turned into a mess a lot faster than I would have thought. I count shots fired from all three sides.

The person who said the XO version might be trying to used Kinect might be on to something. Microsoft could have pushed for that, though I doubt they wanted it enough to accept a delay. That's really the only reason I can think of, unless they decided based solely on installed base. I mean, that would be fair, but I doubt a Wii U version would out-sell an XO version.

I think Pezus is right, they just couldn't finish the Xbox One version in-time and I think maybe it will mean that it won't even release at all since it only makes sense to release these games with the movie and not half an year later. Well, that's what I believe, don't really know how these games sell months after the movie released.

If it would be a "normal" game they would simply release it on every platform little bit later but they can't really do it with a game based on a movie which is in the cinema right now.