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justiceiro said:
  1. Myamoto believes that the problem of WiiU lacking games is solved. Hes not talking about only quantity, but quality too, based on the praise SM3DW recieved, and even managed to sell > 1mil before the year ended. This is not something new when come to nintedo. Back in the n64 times they had like 12~13 releasinga  year, while PS recieved more than 100. They actually believe that is most important to make 1~2 blow way games than 3~4 good games. See their focus is so strong on SSB and MK?
  2. Myamoto also stated that they will "put resources" on QoL to develop something fun(can even be the new IP that he mentioned before), so is not like they are focusing on how can we save wiiu, and more like how can we save ourselves?
  3. Iwata believed that they have to focus more on the gamepad, and pointed the revealing of games that use nfc in this e3, so i will not rule out the possibility that all new games(if its more than one, wich i doubt a litle) for wiiu will something in the lines of animal crossing with nfc toys.
  4. Nintendo almost only talk about MK and SBB. Back in may, kamiya complained that he was somewhat disapointed with the lack of effort that nintendo put on promoting W101. He said that not many magazines had previews of the game, and everything that nintendo made to promote the game was actually his idea. The site was his idea and he mentioned that a lot of people with he talked tough that the game was about dogs(in japanese sounded like that). The direct? His idea. Remenber that nintendo made a TV ad of pikmin 3? W101 saw nothing of it. Some argued that X was the best game nitenndo showed at e3. The problem is, at e3 nintendo booth, there was nothing about it. They were showing 3DS, and even Planes(tie-in of the film), they even bring someone to do cosplay of bayonetta, but there was no sign of X. SBB was announced at e3 2012, altough the first footage emerged on 2013 e3. Since then, we saw the release of a screnshot everyday. We see the release of  a new pic about a new track on MK every 2 weeks. Nintnedo only mentioned X 3 times. Bayonetta 2 close to five, we are supposed to recieve those games before SSB WiiU yet we still have no idea about the story on X or more information about Bayonetta gameplay style. Remenber Yarn yoshi? Or the fire emblem crossover? And zelda musou? What nitnendo has talked about those games after the release of DK?

I actually expect the reveal of the new zelda, but i really don't believe that they will something totally not expected for WiiU(read: ceasing production/cuting price and making bundles is not unexpected)

All of this is true but the system is $300 still. I can't imagine Nintendo discontinuing support for it already. I think they are saving all updates / new stuff for E3. They are just riding on the MK & SSB hype for now.