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shikamaru317 said:
DerNebel said:

That is exactly what I mean by the demand for that game is blown completely out of proportion thanks to the internet, I really don't see why over 2 million people would buy the last part of a trilogy of which only a couple 100k played the 2nd part and that over ten years ago, at the very least if they want to make Shenmue 3 then they have to make the first 2 games available to the consoles they plan to release the third game on.

Also I never played Shenmue, but as far as I know the thing that made it so expensive was that they wanted to create a real living world in which you could interact with everything, if they want to stay true to that with the third part then that should take a considerable amount of time and resources once again.

Believe it or not I've talked to quite a few people who have never played Shenmue who want Shenmue 3. In fact I am one of them, I've only ever watched Shenmue the movie, a compilation of major cutscenes from the first game that Sega released theatrically in Japan and on a bonus disc in the US. You also can't underestimate the fact that seeing an epic trailer for Shenmue 3, at say E3 for instance, would convince alot of people to get the game. Just look at Kingdom Hearts 3, preorders are already tracking far ahead of previous KH games even though it's releasing in 2015 or 2016, and that's because people that have never played the series before have heard how good it is and now they want to play it themselves. Plus we can't rule out the fact that they could release HD ports of Shenmue 1 and 2 to get new people interested before Shenmue 3 releases. 

As for the budget, developers have since created living open worlds with less budget than Shenmue 1 and 2 had, so I don't see any reason why he wouldn't be able to develop it for less.

Well it's of course not impossible, I personally just don't see it. If the want to release Shenmue 3 then they absolutely have to release 1 & 2 HD in my opinion.

And yeah, the budget might be smaller then the original games' but that still doesn't mean it would be small and since I have a hard time believing that Shenmue 3 would hit even a million that could still mean significant losses.

About Kingdom Hearts 3, how do you know it's tracking ahead in preorders of the last two numbered Kingdeom Hearts games? Though even if it did, we have to acknowledge that in the last years the preorder culture has grown massively, I'm pretty sure that people didn't preorder half as much during the PS2 days.