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pezus said:
Zero999 said:

what's the difference between what I said and stuff like: 6 people take 1 day to build a wall, how long would 9 people take to build the same wall?

other versions of watch dogs will release in may because they are using wii u's resources. without then, they would release slightly later, with the wii u version simultaneously.

The difference is that the example above has actual numbers while your earlier one had none.

All right, let's say you're correct about that. I still don't see the point. You would still be delaying all versions for a single version that would sell the worst by far, no matter what Ubisoft did. Come on, man. Devs aren't abandoning WiiU because they hate Nintendo...

it's not a delay if you never give a specific date and it wouldn't be for any version in particular, they'd simply be ready at about the same time. you can't say it would be the worst selling version unless you have a crystal ball and it's still a petty excuse to the inexcusable. they turned a version that could sell very well into a version that will sell like shit, pissed a lot of people (again) and didn't get anything in return.

it was wrong and disgusting for them, there's no way to justify ubisoft's move.