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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

Never said it did. whats up with your reading comprehension? ONe game got more attention than the other not to mention its in a more popular genre. Of course it would have sold better. Endless Ocean released on a system with a large install base. MUCH worst games have done just as well.

Dont dodge the inquiry now. LOL Prove to me that Ninty owners embrace newer IPs as much as SONY MS guys do. We are on a data site. We got years worth of data. if you cant then conversation over

Etertnal Sonata was a new IP JRPG, yet it sold less across both PS3 and 360 than Xenoblade sold on just Wii, which was also a new IP and  a JRPG. And Endless Ocean was a niche game; many even went as far as claiming it didn't qualify as a "game" at all.

You're acting as if PS3/360 gamers never neglect new IPs in favour of established brands, but this simply isn't the case when you see something like Vanquish get outsold by more than 20:1 by COD 10.

and Ni No kuni sold better than Xenoblade. whats your point?

Never said that. You keep avoiding what im saying. Sony and MS gamers embrace new IPs moreso than Ninty ones, prove me wrong.