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SweetTalia said:
In the UK & USA, ps4 is not outselling xbox one by that much weekly..i would not say they are "bad"..

ps4 is all over europe, xbox one is not.

"ps4 is all over europe, xbox one is not."

Do you think that is the XB1 was out "all over europe" that it would make much of a difference? I am asking because it just seems like the PS consoles sell better over there in general.

But I say the XB1 is not doing bad by any means. Better than the 360 at this same point at time and moving and selling faster than the Wii U(which even with more games AND a cheaper price can't outsell the PS4 or the XB1 which is crazy). So I am sure MS wants it to be selling better than it is but I do not think the XB1 is selling bad at UK and USA that is. When it releases WW in Sept we will get a clearer picture even though I do not think it will be a huge difference from what we are seeing now personally.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23