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DevilRising said:



I've said it before, but it bares repeating once more: I am happy with Wii U because:


1. I get great first party content like MK8. Games you can't get anywhere else.

2. This gen specifically, Wii U's eShop is gradually shaping up to be one hell of a service. There were comments/rumblings from indie devs early on that "eShop is the best thing this side of Steam", and that sentiment seems to be holding true/growing, because week after week, it seems some new indie title is being announced for Wii U eShop. Many of which are only coming out for PC and Wii U, and a few of which are even Wii U only. I also happen to like a lot of indie games more-so than most "AAA" third party titles these days, as a lot of indie games just appeal more to my "old school" gaming tastes. And the list of indie digital titles coming to eShop that I actually want, or at least have some interest in, only continues to grow.

3. So between Nintendo published retail games, and indie digital titles, I'm already pretty much set. So ANY good third party retail games that do come out, are just icing on the cake.


Yeah dude, most people who have been holding off on getting a Wii U, but will be getting one once Mario Kart or Smash Bros. release, it's not that they're ONLY getting Wii U for that game(s). They're getting it because that game was the one they're waiting for, but many of those same people are also very much interested in other titles like Pikmin 3, SM3DW, NSMBU, Zombi U, The Wonderful 101, DKCR2, Lego City, MH3 Ultimate, etc.

Seems like you are trying to convince yourself here that you are happy rather than convince me that the WiiU is worth it.

1. So great that few gamers care for it. Most of the 1st party content is yet again, the same IPs, the same gameplay with minor tweaks, and last gen graphics. The preodrer chart for MK8 says it all.

2.So it is only catching up to the other 2 consoles from last gen? Remeber Braid and Journey.....If you honestly wanted Inide games, you would have bought a PS4.

3. Erm, no. You are in denial about the other 2 consoles. The PS4 has a large Indie library and the xbone and ps4 have more popular and new IPs.