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Louie said:

First of all, please remain civil in a discussion. Its not that I offended you, I just stated my opinion. Words like "Bullshit" or "making up excuses" doesn´t make you look very good in discussions.

My point is valid, though. I do talk about the situation in general not specific games that sold under expectations. You took two examples to prove your point, No more Heroes and Zack and Wiki.

Well, No more Heroes is a niche game not targeted at the Japanese audience. Aditionally you have to keep in mind that Suda 51 gamnes never sold well. In fact, No more Heroes outsold all Suda 51 games that have ever been released in Japan. A niche title is not a good indicator of a situation. The same goes for Zack and Wiki - it is a great title but it is very niche and it didn´t get any advertisement at all, just like No more Heroes. Both games were literally destined to sell bad in Japan, no matter which console they would´ve been on. Just look at the overall situation and you´ll see that I have a valid point here. Quite funnily, if the first day sales John_Doe posted are to be believed, Deca Sports, a game that really matches the Wii´s casual audience sold 30k units in its first 24 hours on the market which also proves what I said.

By the way I am really getting annoyed by all the people who call the others fanboys or think they are looking for excuses for something. I am here to predict sales and not to find excuses for anything. Its just the way it is, 3rd Party efforts of Japan-centric games so far have been very mediocre on the Wii. Show me some high profile 3rd party titles that were destined to sell well in Japan but didn´t and I´ll agree you have a point here.


Edit: You also metioned Winning Eleven, sorry didn´t see that before. Well, the game was released weeks after all the other versions of the game which automatically means less demand (just look at every single game that was ported form Xbox 360 to PS3, they all sold a lot less on the PS3 as they were not that new anymore). Additionally it had different play mechanics if I remember correctly and wasn´t really that polished as the other versions.

- Oh please, suddenly these words are forbidden or black listed in discussions? If you cant handle the use of them ignore them instead of trying lecture me about how advance a discussion. You should be prepared for the possibility that some one may use that/those words in the context of the discussion instead of lecturing on how inappropriate it is according to one self. 

-Overall I can largely agree with your context there but I still stand by my perspective. All Im saying is that I would love to see the Wii do better, but right now its underperforming its potential. The same of course applies to the PS3. 

-Please point out the moment I called some one out for being a fanboy (which I assume you mean in response to my last reply). I avoid using that word as much as possible.


*There is no doubt in my mind that Monster Hunter III and Fatal Frame will be fantastic, but it remains questionable on how they will perform in Japan.

sorry about that forgot to include the no, just to precent any misunderstanding. Im looking much forward to Fatal Frame and Monster Hunter.

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