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lucidium said:
ganoncrotch said:
lucidium said:

Care to act as a mediator and check out our credentials yourself?
Liar gets perma banned?, you willing to go through with that Machiavellian?

Wouldn't say no to a staffer being able to confirm for future use.

Why? You are saying he is lying about what he does or lying in his posts? report them. Sounds well professional when you want someone to count the number of certs you have on a wall or letters after your name to win an argument.

Hes the one that started on about credentials, im simplying sick of people pretending to be "developers", so i called him out on it. - while being the one to bring up the topic of "proving" stuff, he was also the first to back down. regardless of that I've verified with mods regardless, so make of it what you will.

To set the fact straight, I called you out on stating you were a developer.  it was you who first mentioned about being a licensed developer and calling me an armchair poster.  So no, I stated we both can send each other our creds then start again instead of trying to call people names or make assumptions about their knowledge.  Even still, just because you develop does not mean you develop in this area.  The type of software I develop does not mean I can state I know how a game developer does his job.  The whole point is that you put that you are a licensed developer part as if that qualify you as knowledgeable about the subject which it does not.  Even I who have developed on cloud based platforms can only reference the type of work I do which is totally non game related and in most areas probably not going to be relevant but then again I was not going to come off as that way in the first place. 

Alright this is my final post on that stuff as I am not interested in waving creds but instead the topic.

Edit:  I apologize for coming off in such a way.  I get little riled up when I believe I am being slighted but I also need to keep a more level head to my post.  We have resolve this issue and do not plan on going down that route again.