Euphoria14 said:
Zisbest said:
Euphoria14 said:
Zisbest said:
I wouldn't necessarily call my room 'retro' but it's host to the oldest systems I've got. (Also my beloved VHS recorder )
Ughh... I need to get another Dreamcast.
I would love to play some Powerstone with buddies. One of my favorite multiplayer games of all time.
The funny thing is that my DC is the newest system to enter my collection. Just bought it 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately I can't get it to work online.
Have Powerstone? It has 4-player local muli.
If you don't, I suggest you find it. Powerstone 2.
Thanks for the advice! Greatly appreciate it since I want to have a good DC library. At the moment I can't really afford a game that expensive though. Shenmue I and II come first (and they come at a price)
also: Dis 500th post! I'd say party now!