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Auron said:
gebx said:
@ KingofWale - Neither, both are not the target for HDTV and movies

@ Dragonlord - Then how is adding an Apple TV box on top and letting them choose a movie to watch that far fetched??

@ Dogsrules - You're right, physical media will still exist, but no way near the way DVD ruled. Yeah, urban density in South Dakota is low, but you're ignoring all the major cities. The places where yuppies who buy movies and HDTV's live. Also who cares if no one in Africa or India has access to high speed internet because they're probably going to be on VHS's and DVD's for the next decade anyways.

 I agree and i hope HD downloads becomes the norm, but i do not think it will happen soon.

 Then you will run into a number of problems.

#1. As it stands right now an HD movie from LIVE costs you $5-7 for only a 24 hour veiwing period. 14 days if you never select play. Can you say "rip off"?

#2. As it stand right now numerous ISP providers such as Verizon, Cablevision, etc... and possibly in other countries as well besides the US are looking into Download packages, prices you based on what you expect to download per month. You want 15GB of downloads? Possibly 5-6 movies or even worse... not even 1 game, would cost you $14.99 a month at the least if your lucky. Now you need to increase that, these company now have complete control, charging you whatever they want, whenever they want.

Look at it this way, I know alot of older people who love to sit at home and watch movies. They don't care for computers or the internet, remember, not everyone thinks the way we do. Do this and not only does everything become more expensive, but now you are pretty much forcing internet connection onto everyone... very bad scenerio, then you now force computer purchases on many people. All I see is "forced, forced, forced", Paying huge amounts while in the end, actually "owning" nothing for all the money you spent.

DRM issues, this I will not even try to get into. Good luck trying to back up anything. You will own nothing, no chance at a solid backup. Your kids want to watch a movie... you going to let them disconnect the player to bring it upstairs so they can watch too? Think again, they will need their own box and a 2nd purchase of something you already paid for.

The reasons are endless. If someone really wants this, it is due in my opinion to 2 reasons.

#1. Does not mind pissing away their money on things they weill never own, no difference between doing this and people paying for WoW gold online. Yet how many of you will call them stupid for wasting their money on it? Be honest.

#2. Too god damn lazy to leave the house and pick up a $1 rental from RedBox or use that same $14.99 for Netflix, or maybe just take a damn trip to the video store. 

Not only do these save everyone alot of money, but why pay $10 for something you will never own when $5 gets you a hard copy that you have all rights to do whatever you wish with?

As gamers... this will end up hurting the industry badly as many of use will not be able to afford to game anymore. 1 25GB game a month + 6 movies for the family... 40GB connection... last I saw when I read the article... this is a $40-50 a month plan, now increase it from 20MB to a 50MB connection... OUCH. That is only if you play 1 game a month... play 2 or possibly 3... most of us would end up broke.

Only the wealthy would support this... one of the reason why soon in my area the only people you will have is rich or poor... no more middle class. It is all thanks to shit like this.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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