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Flower, Sun, and Rain: The Endless Park - TBA 2008

In this DS port of Goichi Suda's (never released in America) PS2 game, you play an Assassin who's ordered to board a plane and diffuse a bomb. Unfortunately, you don't make it in time, and the plane blows up, but when you wake up the next day it's the day before again, and you have another chance. Think Groundhog's Day combined with Run Lola Run.


This is OMFG SEX!!!!! Man, I hate to triple post, but this is the first time I've seen this list in whole and it looks SO amazing.


Did you guys see that story of the top 20 rpgs of all time? Here it is:


Well, DQ is one of the few games on that list I've never played and now I get the chance! WooTTT.


It's like the DS hasn't had some really great RPG's, that are traditional, so far, but not they are getting as many as I have in my PS2 collection all within one year, that's so great. The DS has always been great, but now it's the freakin' best system I own, period. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.