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ChronotriggerJM said:
Yeah I'm sorry guys, I'm an AVID ps3 supporter, but I'm going with Stickball on this one, the 360's needed to make up some massive ground in Japan and they really are fighting for that initiative. In terms of general RPG support the 360 is currently in the lead, which is kinda sad because there aren't that many rpgs yet, but even more sad for the Wii and PS3. There will be some amazing RPG's this generation, and I do believe the PS3's exclusive rpg's will be second to none, but as for right now the 360 is spanking our asses :P

Thank you you have sense to know what we are trying to say. RIGHT NOW xbox owns no question but not forever. And all the RPGS on xbox are not AAA. in fact NONE of the JRPGS are.


mrstickball is a xbox fanboy to the fullest to say xbox JRPGS even match uncoming ps3 JRPGS. I own and played them all and they are NOT AAA.

As for how long ive been a gamer...hmmm all my life buddy.